End-to-end Energy Efficiency with Integrated Workplace Management

Academic intelligence meets commercial software excellence

Yodiwo and the SMART group of University of Southeast Norway (USN) present EUROSTIA – a project supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, in the frame of the “Business Innovation Greece” Programme.   

The project aims to upgrade Yodiwo’s existing platform – YodiFEM, Scalable Solutions for Sustainable Facility Management in partnership with a well-recognized academic organization with years of research in advanced algorithms for energy optimization. Combining research with years of commercial expertise, the group sets to improve overall efficiency in any facility and cater to the wellbeing of its occupants with the use of use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The project will provide an ESG-aligned Integrated Management System (IWMS), the first to combine IoT, Big Data and AI/ML for creating the digital twin of organizations and manage energy consumption combined with equipment maintenance, and wellbeing, conforming with regulatory and auditing processes.

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Business Innovation Greece”.


Remaining one step ahead in ESG strategies

We turn sustainability into ESG metrics to be validated and continually improved. Helping Organizations gain remote control of all assets, our state-of-the art systems boost operational efficiency and skyrocket business value through central management and correlation of any type of data, be it from HVAC, BMS, meters or sensors. The platform’s open architecture allows organizations to constantly scale up their solutions. With cutting-edge predictive accuracy, EUROSTIA enables major ESG KPIs so our clients never loose track of their goals.

What we're working on

Maximum Integrability

Simplifying integration with any BMS system for centralized big data management.

Prediction Models

For air quality, space occupancy and energy, resulting in accurate forecasting of operating cost, Continuous check of contractual KPIs, Combinatorial analysis of data patterns for anomaly detection.

Validation, Improvement, Dissemination

Energy estimation, Anomaly detection in energy, equipment operation, predictive maintenance of HVAC


Unlimited user profiles, role-based dashboards unifying all teams’ efforts cross-operations, Report customization for auditing, ESG Scorecard

Unleash the efficiency potential of your facilities.

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